Curly Cues sure are popular. You see them everywhere. I just now looked around to notice all the things around me that have them. On my dresser is an earring rack in the shape of a tree with curlies for branches. Next to it, a candle holder with sprawling arms holding perfect votive perches. Underwear print, lotion container, imprint on soap. But even more personal is these curls and spurls are happening in my sketch book, on my wall, and now officially in my logo design. They are just so fun to make. I find myself automatically twirling the tip of my pen around letters every time I hold a writing instrument between my fingers. I could do it for hours. I think if I was born in Baltimore and somehow stumbled upon the opportunity to apply my skill to Charm City Cakes, I would pipe icing. Anyway, if there is anything in this design that is me -is it the joy I get out of the pure entertainment of creating it. And normally that is not the case. Normally, I am an impatient artist. I want to hurry up and get the sketch done so I can get to the color and then the outline and I just want to be done so I can see it already!
.... BUT not with curls.

I created the logo for a client who sent me these photos as inspiration. Not only did she send me photos to look at but she was full of explanation of the vision she wanted:
Key words to include somewhere: "redemption" & "miracles happen". A foundational verse: "And the light shines in the darkness, and the darkness did not comprehend it" (John 1:5). The themes of light breaking through darkness and overcoming it, the war and how God always wins, and God's passionate, relentless, unyielding, unmatched and never ending love for mankind in spite of their sin, and His power to pull them out of it if their hearts are willing. Included in those themes, are the characteristics of God that I love to focus on, including His power to heal, save, deliver, and do creative miracles. I like seeing the contrast of light and darkness and watching light shatter the darkness - deliverance, really. A Logo that looks like healing, miracles, and revival. Ezekiel 47 is my key Biblical chapter that I want the logo to look like. There is fish in the water - stands for salvation of the lost, and wherever the river flows, it brings life and healing - miracles, raising the dead, etc.

I wish I could tell you more about the ministry I am creating the logo for but I am not sure if the client will choose it yet. I would love to get some feedback. The logo was made from a 6x8" acrylic painting that I did. It was computer enhanced a small bit. But for the most part this is hand done. I enjoy the challenge of trying to catch someone else's vision, capture their imagination and make it come to life. Sometimes I am successful and other times people just try to be polite. Either way, I can take it as long as it is couched in love.

I love to try new ideas, I do it all the time. I know this style of art is not the norm for me. Usually I like more simple things. But I do love to illustrate and that is definitely the direction I have going here. I thrive upon detail and personal customized touches. In the recent past my art has leaned toward the abstract; sloppy, but always seemingly intentional. I can't really ever be haphazard with my art. I wish I could because I tend to overwork certain aspects of things instead of let them appear effortless.
I don't know if my Friday-night-at-10:30 pm-ramblings are going to be interesting to anyone, but I don't always share what is going on behind the thought process of how I create. So hopefully someone will be getting a bit of entertainment out of it!
And for that person, I now conclude. Thanks for listening! Tune in for more next time!