I am accustomed to doing kids' art. Colorful, whimsical art and illustration is my passion and it will never change, but I thought I might step out of my box and try some new things that have been rolling around on my mind. I am very inspired by words and music. Especially worship music. You know that sweet moment when you hear a particularly perfect phrase and your mind is frantically trying to gather up and frame those words before they flitter by? I do that all the time. I am always writing quotes on my hand or a nearby scrap of paper, so I can later scribble out my version of what they look like in color. Below are some acrylic paintings that try to capture the emotion of a moment: {Enjoy!}

~ Savior's Fixed Gaze ~
Acrylic on Canvas 18 x 24"
(featured above)
"O death, where is your sting? // O hell, where is your victory? // O church. come stand in the light // The glory of God has defeated the night // He's Alive! He's Alive!"
~ The wonderful words of Matt Maher's song Christ is Risen; CD Alive Again.
"All that You say // Is what You do // All that you promise // You're seeing through // So we wait on You, Lord // And we rise to Your voice // The shout of the King, The Son of God"
~ Matt Maher's song: Shout of the King; Alive Again CD
~ Deuteronomy ~
Acrylic on Canvas 24 x 36"
(featured above)
'I set before you this day blessing and curses: which one will you choose?'
Written here is a portion of scripture: Deuteronomy 8:1-18 and 11:18-25
If you enjoyed these paintings, there will be more to come!
If you are interested in owning a piece, please feel free to contact me.