This is a 5" x 5" watercolor and pencil illustration. I made this card a while ago for my mom. You can tell because the double-sided tape is showing through the background. Even so, this has been one of my favorite pieces I have ever come up with. Maybe because I love my mom's beautiful energy for life and I got to use that as a theme, or just because I like drawing my kids, but I think that it is mainly because it really looks like my mom and her grandkids. Simeon is kind of cool about holding the flowers he picked for 'Nonnie', Elijah is showing off a slimy treasure, and Liam is in his little taxi cab hat! Of course Nonnie is holding her little chubby baby Penny, as always. When I customize a piece of art I try to capture that certain 'special something' that encompasses a personality trait. Not only will it turn out resembling that person, but the viewer identifies with an emotion the artwork portrays. Well, there is some artistic philosophy for you. And now you know what I am thinking when I am drawing.
I think you did an excellent job with Liam -- it looks just like him!