
Bicycle Painting

Bicycle Painting
- especially for mr. brian parks -

I can't remember the exact dimensions, so I'll make a guess: 2'x 3' x 2" 
Acrylic paint on canvas. 

This was a contracted art piece in which I was asked to portray the innocence of childhood.  When I asked about whether he preferred cityscapes or country scenes -among other questions - Brian answered that he liked it all.  Since he is an avid cyclist I knew I wanted to include his love for the sport.   I don't know whether I was portraying the boy as a child and then growing into an adult or just a kid imagining himself racing when he is really taking a leisurely ride in the country.  That is for Brian to determine!   I wanted to link the two scenes into one by the fence continuing through the middle of the painting and corresponding the images on both sides.  Enjoy taking a look!  

 Thanks, Brian for having me paint this for you.  I hope it is something that fits your home and continues bringing a smile to your face every day!   


Custom Made Holiday Cards

New Year's Eve Invitations
~ 2009 ~

For the past few years it has been fun creating custom invitations for this family.  Capturing holiday sparkle with a personal touch... the couple characterized in an original 5"x5" watercolor illustration in festive winter spirit at the Plaza.  

The back of the card is on the left and the front is on the right.

I love beautiful packaging!  Gift wrap is a passion of mine (can you tell?!) and since the cards already looked like Christmas gifts I wanted to revel in the colors and delight your senses with joy! 

Above is the inside of the invitation pictured with a matching individually addressed envelope.  A 5" x 5"  tri-fold card.  Each invitation was made featuring a different glamourous patterned paper as the background.  The patterns all follow the same bright color scheme.  

* Special note:  Thanks to Debbie for your order!  I always love creating new things for your wonderful family!


Sage Necklace

* Sage Necklace *
~ Simple & Elegant ~
Necklace: $18.00

.Contact me for it. 

Pink Ball Necklace

* Pink Ball Necklace *
~ 3 in one ~
Necklace: $24.00 Earrings: $8.00

.Contact me for it.

Dream/Journey Necklace

* Dream/Journey Necklace *
Looks like 3 necklaces but it is ONE.
Necklace: $18 Earrings: $8

~ Only 1 of this kind available! ~


A Matching-Card Game

Here is a great gift idea to do with your kids!  
While my other 2 kids really get into coloring and art projects, my 5 year old Elijah is more into collecting tiny treasures and building with Legos.  He has such a generous attitude and so I really wanted to encourage him to give. This was an idea perfect for a quirky little kid like Elijah! 
Eli and I made this project together for his 3 year old cousin.  We had a delightful time together searching the internet for free images of cute animals.  We printed them out and while I cut, Elijah taped, and after that we decorated a box to keep the cards in.  
In Elijah's words: "Zippity-Zappity-Zoo: A Matching Card Game!"


18" x 24" Acrylic paint on Canvas.  
This was a really fun project!  The assignment was to paint a portrait and I thought I would change it up a bit from the traditional idea of portrait painting.  I thought it might be nice to create something a little crazy and a lot colorful!  
This painting is a portrait of Ryann, Payton, and Colton - children of a mom named Jennifer from Colorado.  Jennifer's mom, Rosemary, ordered it for her daughter.  Here is Jennifer's reaction when she received her painting in the mail:


I am soooo excited, I just got the painting and it is PERFECT!!!!!

You really captured the personalities of the kids, I LOVE that Payton is hanging upside down, that is so her!  and Ryann with the Converse and leg warmers and peace earrings---perfect.  I really think Colton looks exactly like him!  The goggles, necklace, animal crackers--so perfect!
I love this painting so much, I just love looking at it.  I can't wait for the kids to get home from school to see it.
Thank you so much, I have a perfect spot to hang it up for all to see!

Thank you again,

A great big thanks to Rosemary and Jennifer!  It was great working with you ~ Enjoy your new art piece and may God bless you this Christmas! 


We Thank God When We Think of You

This is a 5" x 5" watercolor and pencil illustration.  I made this card a while ago for my mom.  You can tell because the double-sided tape is showing through the background.  Even so, this has been one of my favorite pieces I have ever come up with.  Maybe because I love my mom's beautiful energy for life and I got to use that as a theme, or just because I like drawing my kids, but I think that it is mainly because it really looks like my mom and her grandkids.  Simeon is kind of cool about holding the flowers he picked for 'Nonnie', Elijah is showing off a slimy treasure, and Liam is in his little taxi cab hat!  Of course Nonnie is holding her little chubby baby Penny, as always.  When I customize a piece of art I try to capture that certain 'special something' that encompasses a personality trait.  Not only will it turn out resembling that person, but the viewer identifies with an emotion the artwork portrays.  Well, there is some artistic philosophy for you.   And now you know what I am thinking when I am drawing.


Here is a crafty thing I did for my first grader's teacher.  Actually, it was for the student teacher who was leaving after her 6 month internship.  I thought I would make a card that looked like a kid made it.  So after a visit to my box of paper scraps, much scissor action, and about a pound of clear tape the result is what you see here.  I tucked the card into a clear party favor bag with some tissue paper, a huge paper clip, and a necklace & earrings mounted on brown card board.
I think the presentation was pretty cute! What do you think? 


Enjoying the Journey

This is actually the 2nd riding helmet I have worked on!  
This helmet was customized for Wanda and her beautiful horse Brittanee.  
Wanda showed me photos of Brittanee and the special rope & 'carrot stick' among other identifying details.   Beginning as a plain black surface, the helmet now displays references to the core principals of this horse-rider's heart! 

~ Thank you to Donna for your order ~

Acrylic Paint

Hand painted by Beth Witte
. penelopeinmypocket .

Gabriel's Painting

Acrylic Paint 18"x 24" Canvas

This is a special memorial project for a little boy named Gabriel.  Gabriel went to heaven at the age of 2 during the summer of 2008.  His loved ones wanted to remember his vibrant love for life in a dedication of the Nursery at a local crisis pregnancy center.  

This painting will make it's home at The Aid and Assist Center located at 75th & Lamar in Kansas City, Missouri.  

Painted by Beth Witte
  . penelopeinmypocket .


Here is some more jewelry to dazzle your eye!  
Contact me for purchasing: 
Include the name of the piece, wrist size if applicable, and your address. 


~ 3 Point Earrings ~
$13.00 + Shipping
Shipping $5

See previous posts for Ordering info. 


Just starting your Holiday Shopping? 

~ The 3 Strand Bracelet ~
My inspiration for this piece is the bright whimsical colors of ornaments on a Christmas tree.  I didn't want to sentence this bracelet to life and death only during the Christmas season so I included colors that could be worn any time of the year.  This is the equivalent to three bracelets in one!  I only have the materials to make a few of these so if you want one you better get it quick! 

 Shipping is $5

To order: Click my Order page and don't forget to Contact Me with your wrist size and address.  

I accept PayPal  
{But if I know you personally I might let you write me a check!} 

*If you like this ~ I will be posting more jewelry very soon! *


Butterfly Shadow Box

  12"x 26" Wall Mount.  I made these hand crafted paper butterflies and adhered them to canvas in this shadow box using straight pins. 
Embellishments found at Urban Arts and Crafts. *


Spooky House: Treat Transporter

My oldest son, Simeon had his 7th birthday Oct. 22.  I admit, I have created high expectations when it comes to class treats. He was full of ideas.  He especially wanted to top his little brother's party favors from two weeks prior.  
There I was in the kitchen finishing up spider-snickers and snicker-ghosts when I had an idea.  I was going to create a cardboard haunted house!  So I got some empty boxes and my paint and went to work. I guess I got a little carried away but he just had to have something fun to house his little treasures!